
Showing posts from May, 2018

Five of Swords

CARD OF THE DAY When the Five of Swords appears, it is time to ask yourself if what you are fighting for is worth it. You may be able to "win" now, but at what cost? You may say words you can never take back in an argument with a loved one.  You may be clinging tightly to an idea that is not actually that important in the big picture of your life, hurting others in the process. You may be remaining in an unhealthy situation in order to prove that you are right, for example, staying in an abusive relationship because you don't want others to say "I told you so".  The Five of Swords is telling you that "winning" may not be the most important thing right now. There are times when it may become necessary to hurt others through your words or actions in order to be true to yourself.  Is now one of those times or are you just trying to win for the sake of winning? This card indicates that you have been repeating patterns that you know ...

Will she go on date with this guy?

The clients question was: WILL SHE GO ON A DATE WITH THIS GUY? The challenge is: Not to read this spread in the traditional sense but to uncover the little secret fact she did not tell me. Clue: I used my sum total calculations to uncover the untold secret. He is travelling next week as shown by 8 of wands, so she was hoping for some alone time with him. This is Wisahl Rizak interpretation: The answer is:  Sumtotal = 45/9,  4-The emperor (the man),  5 - The heirophant (is married).  So the little secret was - the man is married.  We can also look at the 10 of wands and the queen of swords to confirm this - 10 of wands - family burdens (he has  a sick wife) - and the queen of swords (the wife - older woman). She has mental issues and is bedridden at the moment - so Mister has to seek his thrills elsewhere.  Total is Hermit - so he probably won't see her on his trip.

Missing her father

This one of the exercise on a facebook page Tarot one on one Wishal Razal stated the situation as follows: This client had 1 parent missing from her life. Which one was it? Her mother or her father? Important to note....EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER. Hint: The answer is in the sum total. I dont always use maths in a reading, but i do when i am intuitively guided to pull out the old calculator. Totals were: 36/9 3- Empress 6- lovers 9- hermit I tried to read the cards and this is my interpretation: I feel the client is the Queen of Wands and she is missing her father which is the King of Cups. Seems like the father has been too indulged in his social life. More concerns with others than his family. There were also lots of partying until he got in volve to another woman (empress) and became his mistress. The hermit is the feeling of the Queen of Wands feeling alone but trying to learn the lesson so it will not happen again when she will have a family of her own At ...

How is his evening?

Tonight he told me he will attend a "prayer meeting" and will come home late. So I laid down the cards. From what I see it was more of a party or a celebration (3 of Cups). The King of Pentacles might be him. Somehow, I feel that the event is more of a blind date. An old wise man has been trying to advise him that his blind date is of their level financial wise. UNDERSTANDING REVERSED CARDS If I will use the reversed method from 78 Degrees of Wisdom where you will refer to the previous card of the card, the reversed 3 of Cups will lead to 2 of Cups that means lovers. While the 2 of wands reversed will lead to Ace of Wands which means a gift of strength, of power, of great sexual energy, of the love of living. THE QUINT CARD The quint is  32. If I reduce it will result to Hierophant which could mean marriage Otherwise, it can be High Priestess and an Empress ****** I hope my reading is wrong! But I am really scared about these cards. Although I may...

How is he doing now?

As for my practice reading today I laid out my cards and asked: "How is he doing now?" I took the meaning from Galaxy Tarot For the King of Cups (reversed) - Keywords:  emotionally hardened, intense negative emotions, blocked emotions, emotional stress The King can seem like an unemotional person.  It may be that he finds his feelings so difficult that keeps them hidden, even from himself.  He may be worried about the consequences of letting his emotions come to the surface.  He may also feel that he needs to look tough, even if, in private, he is in emotional pain. The King of Cups Reversed can have trouble finding love.  Even though he has a lot to offer in romance, his fear of being hurt makes him pull up walls around his heart.  Even though he is deeply caring, he comes across as emotionally unavailable. Two of Swords (reversed) - Keyword:  coercion, silent treatment, all options are undesirable The Two of Swords reversed could ...

Eight of Cups

LOOKING BACK Yesterday my card of the day is Nine of Cups reversed which indicated disappointment. In one of the podcast of the Tarot Lady she mentioned that in a book Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer, reversals carries similar meaning to the upright reading of the preceding card of the deck.  With that in thought, I checked out the interpretation of Galaxy Tarot about the Eight of Cups. KEYWORDS: Spirit quest, leaving behind, taking space, retreat, travel This is a card of letting go and moving on.  Although the retreat indicated by the Eight of Cups is voluntary, it is also painful. It often means taking time alone to contemplate one's emotions and decide if leaving is the best route. It could mean literally leaving - changing homes, ending a relationship, quitting a job, going on a trip to find yourself - or leaving behind hopes and dreams. When this card appears you or someone involved is tired of feeling disappointed and hopeless and is...

Nine of Cups (reversed)

CARD OF THE DAY The Nine of Cups reversed is a card that indicates disappointment or smugness. You may be feeling emotionally empty despite your efforts or that you can't be happy until you have what someone else has. It may be that current path will never bring you the joy you seek and that you need to look for it elsewhere. Alternatively, happiness may be very close at hand, but you need to begin noticing all you do have, instead of what you lack. This card also indicates that you are very happy, but you are using your happiness in ways that hurt others.  You may be so self-satisfied that you are not noticing the feelings of those around you. Your bragging and smugness may be very unappealing to those around you. Source: Galaxy Tarot ***** Somehow I feel disappointed today. Maybe because I feel empty. I want a better life. I want to have nicer things. I want to have a loving partner. I also feel that I feel inferior to some. I was thinking of ...

The Star

Card of the Day Keyword: Optimism, renewal, boundlessness, peace, astrology Today's Message:  Today is a new day and a new opportunity for joy! Find ways to refresh your environment and yourself.  Have a long and lovely bath, tidy up your room, de-clutter, practice forgiveness.  Make space for wonderful new things in your life. Interpretation: The Star is a card of hope, peace, and renewal. After the destruction of The Tower, The Star brings optimism for a fresh start.  When The Stars shows up in a reading have trust in the constantly changing nature of the universe.  After the darkest hour comes the dawn of a new day. You are on a healing path.  Be sure to nurture both the physical and spiritual aspects of your life.  Do what is practically required, while at the same time visualizing an ideal future.  Calmness and stillness may be required to heal completely. If someone in your life needs healing, The Sta...

Meditating with The Fool

I did meditation using The Fool card which I downloaded from biddy tarot. It was like a self-hypnosis where I will enter The Fool's realm. On my half-awake state, the first thing I've noticed was the bright yellow sun. I was on top of the mountain. There were big trees and green grass that seems to carpet the whole place. At the far end, I saw The Fool. He seems to be dancing happily with his white dog. I slowly came near him. Then he reached out for my hand. I felt his warm hand on mine. For some reason, I felt like crying. I asked The Fool what message would he like to tell me. He looked at me in the eyes and said in a comforting voice "I want you to have STRENGTH" "STRENGTH?" I asked him. "Why STRENGTH? Can I just meet THE STAR?" "In time you will, but for now you need STRENGTH", he said I thought, The Fool really knows what I need now. At present, I feel so weak and frustrated with my life. I am at a lost, feeling alone...

Eight of Cups

Card of change and transition It shows a man turning his back on all he has accumulated or accomplished before.  He disappears by night into a barren and difficult terrain with only a cloak on his back and a staff on his hand. Question to Ask Myself *  What do I need to leave behind once and for all? *  If I left in search of "more" what would I be looking for exactly? *  How might a retreat enhance my perspective? The Eight of Cups also indicates that you are disappointed enough to walk away from everything you have built up so far. It could indicate a disappointment in love or dissatisfaction with material success. It could also indicate that you have over-extended yourself to the point of emotional exhaustion. Even though you have already come so far, you feel that you can no longer go on and your only choice is to walk away from the situation. You feel disappointed with yourself but you know that this is the right thing to do before you completely b...