Five of Swords
CARD OF THE DAY When the Five of Swords appears, it is time to ask yourself if what you are fighting for is worth it. You may be able to "win" now, but at what cost? You may say words you can never take back in an argument with a loved one. You may be clinging tightly to an idea that is not actually that important in the big picture of your life, hurting others in the process. You may be remaining in an unhealthy situation in order to prove that you are right, for example, staying in an abusive relationship because you don't want others to say "I told you so". The Five of Swords is telling you that "winning" may not be the most important thing right now. There are times when it may become necessary to hurt others through your words or actions in order to be true to yourself. Is now one of those times or are you just trying to win for the sake of winning? This card indicates that you have been repeating patterns that you know ...