How is he doing now?
As for my practice reading today I laid out my cards and asked: "How is he doing now?" I took the meaning from Galaxy Tarot
For the King of Cups (reversed) -
Keywords: emotionally hardened, intense negative emotions, blocked emotions, emotional stress
The King can seem like an unemotional person. It may be that he finds his feelings so difficult that keeps them hidden, even from himself. He may be worried about the consequences of letting his emotions come to the surface. He may also feel that he needs to look tough, even if, in private, he is in emotional pain.
The King of Cups Reversed can have trouble finding love. Even though he has a lot to offer in romance, his fear of being hurt makes him pull up walls around his heart. Even though he is deeply caring, he comes across as emotionally unavailable.
Two of Swords (reversed) -
Keyword: coercion, silent treatment, all options are undesirable
The Two of Swords reversed could mean making a decision based on your emotions or using faulty logic.
You may feel emotionally pressured to make a decision or take action, and do so against your own best judgment.
This card could also appear when you are giving a silent treatment in order to manipulate their feelings and behavior. Ask yourself if you are really being fair in this relationship, or if you are only acting in your own interest.
Wheel of Fortune (reversed) -
Keywords: lacking control, confusion, ongoing struggle, setbacks, bad luck
When the wheel of fortune appears reversed it is likely that forward movement is halted.
It could be that plans to travel or proceed with a project are delayed. You may feel like the same thoughts are spinning endlessly in your mind. You are not making any progress and may even be moving backward.
Alternatively, this card may be indicating you are moving too fast. Slow down and take the time to consider your next move carefully
If you are considering an investment right now, this card indicates that you should reconsider.
This card warns against gambling at this time
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