Eight of Cups


Yesterday my card of the day is Nine of Cups reversed which indicated disappointment.

In one of the podcast of the Tarot Lady she mentioned that in a book Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer, reversals carries similar meaning to the upright reading of the preceding card of the deck. 
With that in thought, I checked out the interpretation of Galaxy Tarot about the Eight of Cups.


Spirit quest, leaving behind, taking space, retreat, travel

This is a card of letting go and moving on.  Although the retreat indicated by the Eight of Cups is voluntary, it is also painful.

It often means taking time alone to contemplate one's emotions and decide if leaving is the best route. It could mean literally leaving - changing homes, ending a relationship, quitting a job, going on a trip to find yourself - or leaving behind hopes and dreams.

When this card appears you or someone involved is tired of feeling disappointed and hopeless and is ready to look for better things.  Often this card indicates a craving for spiritual deepening.

Souce: Galaxy Tarot


This seems to be following on what I feel right now.
I finally chose to let go and end the relationship. There is no use to hang on anyways.
I am the only who wanted to keep it going. 
To be honest I feel hurt and alone... but I know... these too shall pass...
