Queen of Wands


  • Creative
  • Independent
  • Confident
  • Beautiful
  • Passionate
  • Friendly
  • Optimistic
  • Influential
  • Sexual
Today's Message

You know exactly what you need today.  Trust your intuition - - chances are it is quite loud.  Be confident and proud of doing what's best for you and in pursuing your dreams.  No apologies.  In fact, your confidence and independence are likely to attract admiration from others.


This card could represent a person you know or will encounter or some aspect of yourself that is present or to call upon now.

The Queen of Wands is a mature, confident, passionate person.  She is dedicated to her pursuit of career, family, and love.

She is popular and fun.  People love to be around her for her inspiring energy and joyful demeanor.  She is generous and loves to make others smile.

She is super sexy! She does what she loves, takes chances in following her passion and lives life with her own personal flair.  She sometimes uses her charisma and sex appeal to manipulate others.

She can be impulsive and has a quick temper.
