
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Aces

THE ACES The Aces correlate with a number 1 and it symbolizes a new beginning or a fresh start. If we combine  Ace with the suit, we can come up with its interpretations. ****** Observe the hand that comes from the cloud of each card. The Ace of Cups and The Ace of Pentacles have a hand that is open. An open hand symbolizes giving and receiving. Its a symbol of an offering. The energy is feminine which is receptive and is open. The Ace of Wands The Ace of Sword shows a hand grasping the instrument. Although it is showing an offering, it symbolizes a male energy Ace of Cups - an offer of love, fresh emotional beginning, start of a relationships Ace of Pentacles - financial offer, new financial opportunity, auspicious Ace of Wands - a job offer, new passion, beginning of a creative project, affirmation Ace of Swords - an offer to engage in a conflict or a mental breakthrough ******* LANDSCAPE AND SYMBOLS Ace of Cups Water - symbolizes th...

Practice Time for Ace to Ten of Wands

ACE TO TEN OF WANDS   INTERPRETATION OF THE IMAGE: 1) Four of Wands - a picture of celebration with people in a festive mode. Grapevine is hanging on the four wands resembling banners. Several people were also dancing while 2 images with flowers on their hand seem like celebrating. A very positive card. 2) Nine of Wands - a man standing with 8 wands behind his back while he holds one wand tightly with his 2 hands. The man looks very cautious for any danger that might come his way. He also has a bandage on his head which indicates that he might be wounded. In spite of his present condition, he still stands bravely just to protect what he believes is his. 3) Eight of Wands   - Eight wands were flying from out of nowhere. No one knows who threw them and as to what it is aiming. But it is coming on fast. GENERAL READING: I see that in the past you seem to be quite contented with how your life is going on. Things seem to be comin...

Astrology and the Minor Arcana

WHAT EACH ELEMENT REPRESENTS: FIRE - (Wands) Movement - Physical - Action, the masculine EARTH - (Pentacles) Material needs, earth/nature/money, practical matters AIR - (Sword) thoughts, intellect, ideas, conversation WATER - (Cups) Dreams, intuition, Receiving, the feminine, creativity

Eight of Swords

CARD EXERCISE A woman in bondage and blindfolded standing between 8 swords. If she makes a wrong move the sharp knives will surely hurt her.  On the background is a castle on top of the hill.  The woman is standing near the sea. It must have been low tide but there was still water left on the sand. It can also be observed that a slow wind is blowing her hair. Someone must have tied her although not that tight. Although she can actually loosen up the bondage, she just chose not to. Is it because she wants to punish herself for something she thought she did?  Or she wants to give the person the satisfaction of doing what that person wants her to be? A feeling of hopelessness? Submission? ******* Helpless thoughts, limiting beliefs, inner critic, excuses, victim mentality The Eight of Swords is a card of feeling trapped or limited. When this card shows up you are probably thinking that you have no viable options available.  You ...

Queen of Wands

CARD OF THE DAY Keyword:   Creative Independent Confident Beautiful Passionate Friendly Optimistic Influential Sexual Today's Message You know exactly what you need today.  Trust your intuition - - chances are it is quite loud.  Be confident and proud of doing what's best for you and in pursuing your dreams.  No apologies.  In fact, your confidence and independence are likely to attract admiration from others. Interpretation: This card could represent a person you know or will encounter or some aspect of yourself that is present or to call upon now. The Queen of Wands is a mature, confident, passionate person.  She is dedicated to her pursuit of career, family, and love. She is popular and fun.  People love to be around her for her inspiring energy and joyful demeanor.  She is generous and loves to make others smile. She is super sexy! She does what she loves, takes chances in following her...