The Aces


The Aces correlate with a number 1 and it symbolizes a new beginning or a fresh start. If we combine  Ace with the suit, we can come up with its interpretations.


Observe the hand that comes from the cloud of each card.

The Ace of Cups and The Ace of Pentacles have a hand that is open. An open hand symbolizes giving and receiving. Its a symbol of an offering. The energy is feminine which is receptive and is open.

The Ace of Wands The Ace of Sword shows a hand grasping the instrument. Although it is showing an offering, it symbolizes a male energy

  • Ace of Cups - an offer of love, fresh emotional beginning, start of a relationships
  • Ace of Pentacles - financial offer, new financial opportunity, auspicious
  • Ace of Wands - a job offer, new passion, beginning of a creative project, affirmation
  • Ace of Swords - an offer to engage in a conflict or a mental breakthrough

  • Ace of Cups
Water - symbolizes the subconscious and the flow of energy
  • Ace of  Wands
Castle - symbolizes security and growth
  • Ace of  Swords
Mountain - symbolizes abstract truth, objective facts of existence, independent or personal viewpoint and experience
  • Ace of  Pentacles
Lush Garden - symbolizes abundance and potentials for growth



Reversals of Aces still symbolize opportunities but may be delayed or they never manifest to the full potentials. It can symbolize a hesitation in taking an offer.

Reversals block the energy. With the Ace, it can create a block or receive something 
