How is his evening?

Tonight he told me he will attend a "prayer meeting" and will come home late.
So I laid down the cards. From what I see it was more of a party or a celebration (3 of Cups).
The King of Pentacles might be him.
Somehow, I feel that the event is more of a blind date. An old wise man has been trying to advise him that his blind date is of their level financial wise.


If I will use the reversed method from 78 Degrees of Wisdom where you will refer to the previous card of the card, the reversed 3 of Cups will lead to 2 of Cups that means lovers.
While the 2 of wands reversed will lead to Ace of Wands which means a gift of strength, of power, of great sexual energy, of the love of living.


The quint is  32. If I reduce it will result to Hierophant which could mean marriage

Otherwise, it can be High Priestess and an Empress


I hope my reading is wrong! But I am really scared about these cards.
Although I may sound selfish I really want him for myself ONLY!!
Gosshhh this is really hard 😭
